Normal blood sugar level are the levels of a normal person who does not suffer from any kind of diabetes. In a normal person, the blood sugar levels are checked under two different conditions. The fasting sugar level counts the amount of glucose content in blood on an empty stomach. This requires that the person should not have consumed any food for six to eight hours before the blood test. It is for this reason that fasting blood sugar level is checked early in the morning before having anything in the morning. The Normal blood sugar level are 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter of blood. The second test is done after consuming food. After eating or drinking any kind of food, the blood sugar level rises and whatever be the amount of food consumed, the body that functions properly does not allow the blood sugar level to go beyond 135 to 149 milligrams per deciliter. Within 2 hours of having food, the normal blood sugar level reaches between 90 to 144 mg/dl. A normal body released hormones which break down the sugar and maintains the normal blood sugar level throughout the day.
When it comes to people with diabetes, there are people who suffer from high blood glucose levels and even low blood glucose levels. The extreme lower blood sugar level are 65 – 60 milligrams per deciliter. When the level drops below this or is somewhere between 60 and 65, the person will begin to sweat, become shaky and loose consciousness. It begins with a dizzy feeling and some people experience extreme hunger when the sugar level begins to drop. But, in some cases, the levels drops way below the normal blood sugar level to reach below 40. This is a medical emergency situation as this can end up in unconsciousness, affects the mental functioning and can even result in seizures. Such low levels of blood glucose are very dangerous and require emergency medical observation.
Normal Blood Sugar Level
The other condition is when the blood glucose level gets way up the normal blood sugar level and goes to somewhere around 180 to 200 mg/dl. At these high levels, the blood will be filled with a whole lot of glucose. The kidney is the part of the human system which carries the function of reabsorption of the glucose in the blood. When the levels go beyond the normal blood sugar level, the kidney will not be able to carry out its function properly and the glucose will be released in the urine. As in low blood glucose levels, even high levels are also risky. When the levels go beyond 400, this can also result in mental malfunctioning and can lead to mental disorders in some people. Such high or low blood sugar levels should be constantly monitored and kept under control as they can lead to disruption of the mental functioning of the person.
The glucose tolerance test is also conducted to determine the ability of the body to assimilate glucose and thus recognize abnormal glucose levels from the normal glucose levels. This is a complex procedure where the person is asked to drink glucose solution after fasting. The blood tests are done in various levels. In a normal person, the glucose level will increase beyond the normal blood glucose levels soon after the glucose consumption and will come down a little while later. While, in a patient suffering from diabetes, the blood glucose level will increase soon after consumption but does not decrease steadily. The normal blood sugar level after 2 hours of glucose solution intake stands at 140mg/dl. If after 2 hours of consumption, the levels are beyond this, then diabetes is verified.
Low blood sugar levels usually are due to the dynamic lifestyles where the person intakes less food combined with too much of exercise, or maybe even in some diabetic patients where the medicine consumed go high beyond the requirement. People, who have hypoglycemia problem, should carry a sweet food with them. In case of encountering any symptom of lowering blood sugar, then it is advised to quickly eat anything that has sugar. This will provide quick relief, but the patient will have to check the blood to see how far it has gone below the normal blood sugar level. Hypoglycemic patients should never drive when they feel that their glucose level is going down on observing any symptom.
High blood sugar is more life threatening than low levels and in extreme cases it can lead to Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic Nonketonic Syndrome (HHNS) and Ketoacidosis. HHNS is usually observed in old people who miss their doses of medicine and the condition develops over several days. This can eventually lead to coma, seizure and even death. When the level of ketones in blood and urine rises due to the absence of enough insulin in blood, it results in ketoacidosis. This is a case of uncontrolled diabetes and can plunge the patient into coma or death.