Earlier times, there was no significance given to the normal blood sugar levels for women range. But, now, it is one of the most anxiously discussed topics by doctors and people round the world. The excessive intake of drugs and the reduced exercise regimen has been reported to be the main reason for this hype over determining the normal blood sugar levels for women. Excess weight naturally and genetic diabetic history have also been attributed to the reasons for high risks of diabetes among women. The normal blood sugar levels for women are placed at 70 to 140 milligram per deciliter and the level rise up to 130 to 150 milligram per deciliter after food.
Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Women
Checking the blood sugar within 1 hour of meals, then the normal blood sugar levels for women will stand at around 180mg/dl. Fasting blood sugar levels may also sometimes be determined to ensure that the body is functioning properly. The fasting blood sugar level will be around 70 to 100mg/dl. In normal cases where the individual wants to simply determine if she is suffering from diabetes and as a routine checkup, the random blood sugar analysis is done to determine if there is any variation from the normal blood sugar levels for women. For people who are already diabetic patients, obese or have a genetic disposition towards diabetes, then it is necessary to perform a fasting blood test to check the variation from the fasting normal blood sugar levels for women.
It is very necessary that women must keep a close check on their blood sugar levels if they are diabetic. If the glucose level falls below the normal blood sugar levels for women, the situation might become very critical. It might begin with huger, dizziness and sweating and if left unnoticed, this can lead to confusion, palpitation and unconsciousness. Even high level above the normal blood sugar levels for women is also very risky. It is therefore advised to use a blood glucose monitor at home to keep a close watch on the sugar levels.
Normal Blood Sugar Levels for Women
Pregnancy is a very crucial stage in the life of a woman and it is very necessary to ensure that the sugar levels are close to normal blood sugar levels for women. There are specific condition for determining normal blood sugar levels for women during pregnancy and maintaining these levels are a must. The fasting blood sugar level for a woman during pregnancy should not go above 95mg/l. Within 1 hour of consuming meals, the level should not go above 140mg/dl which is the normal blood sugar levels for women during pregnancy. And after 2 hours of meal, the level should come down to the normal range of 120mg/dl and should not go above that limit.
During pregnancy, the A1C level is also measured and this should not go over 6%. Gestational diabetes has become very common these days due to the changing lifestyles and this diabetes end after the birth of the baby. There is a high risk of this developing into a full term diabetes.